Doctor Who: Time Crash (2007 TV Short)
"Not a lot of men can carry off a decorative vegetable." Fun little promo piece.
16 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Doctor Who: Time Crash is a short (under 10 minutes) little piece made specifically for the 2007 BBC Children in Need night of fund raising.

There's no real story other than the fifth Doctor (Peter Davison) ends up meeting the tenth Doctor (David Tennant) in the TARDIS just after he leaves Martha (Freema Agyemen) on Earth at the end of season 3 of the new series.

I actually thought it was a nice little fun self referential piece where doctor number ten pokes a bit of fun at one of his previous incarnations while Doctor number five at first thinks he's a loony fan & criticises the new interior of the TARDIS likening the change to that of a Windows desktop! There are some amusing references to various enemy's, Doctor fives traits & some of his companions. I actually smiled on a few occasions & Time Crash has enough continuity with he series as a whole to become an accepted part of it in it's own right. It's certainly far more serious & sensible in tone than the silly Dimensions in Time (1993).

Hell, I liked it, I like both David Tennant & Peter Davison although he has noticeably aged which is explained by the time difference or something technobable like that & it also features Freema Agyeman at the start (in footage taken from the end of Last of the Time Lords(2007)) & I admit I have the hots for her & really like her in general so that also helps. At the end Doctor number ten says Doctor number five was his Doctor & in fact in reality Peter Davison would have been David Tennant's first Doctor as he grew up which I thought was a nice little touch.

It never leaves the confines of the new style TARDIS & actually leaves you wanting something a bit more substantial, a complete proper story to feature both Tennant & Davison (I wouldn't have said no to Freema Agyeman appearing as well) would have been nice if this little taster was anything to go by. I thought it was a fun little piece & a nice accompaniment to both the new & old series that works well within the context of both. But then again what do I know? The end features a gratuitous plug for the upcoming Christmas special Voyage of the Damned (2007) & also features more footage from the end of Last of the Time Lords.
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