The Baby Dance (1998 TV Movie)
Good movie sad ending
20 November 2007
I watched The Baby Dance.It made me wonder if the adoptive couple could have given up a baby they gave birth to if it had the same problems.They were blessed with a child.

A child they had been wishing for.Didn't they stop and think about what if the child isn't normal.Isn't that part of what you think about before giving birth.

I may not sound right by saying this but if I was giving a child up for adoption and this couple came to me wanting to adopt it and I found out they didn't take another child because it wasn't perfect I won't let them adopt mine.How do you know they won't take it home find one thing wrong and bring it back.They seam to searching for the worlds perfect child.As much i feel bad for the baby I feel just as bad for the couple they missed out on a wonderful gift.Because special children are Eva more special gift.
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