Review of 300

300 (2006)
Great movie, if you like violence and style, don't watch it for the story.
22 November 2007
This movie was pretty much what I expected. The story is rather thin, but the main attractions of the movie are the fighting scenes and the style. For most of the movie the pieces fall together pretty well, although I'm not too fond of David Wenham, who did his part in LotR pretty well, but just doesn't seem to be a good "Spartan". His voice lacks the power you'd wish in a storyteller. Gerard Butler fits his role and really seems to have a good time playing Leonidas. There are a little too many slow-motion shots if you ask me, but in general the fighting scenes are awesome. It's not much of an epic movie, you can't compare it to Troy, people who expect epic and huge battles will be disappointed.
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