Buried Alive (2007)
"Hey, I was buried alive and I'm not that happy about
25 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers

Buried Alive is the new film from effects man turned director, Robert Kurtzman. It follows a bunch of tweens who upset a vengeful ghost while partying, conducting sorority initiation pranks, and looking for gold. It's yet another variation of the dead teenager flick. I knew that going in so I wasn't expecting much. In fact, if it had been helmed by another director I'm sure I would have passed on it completely. The film takes a while to get going, but that's not a complaint. I like movies that take some time to introduce their characters. Unfortunately for Buried Alive, the characters are all one dimensional: the dumb blonde, the beer-guzzling jock, the computer nerd, et al. The only character I was interested in was Tobin Bell's caretaker, and he gets the least screen time. It was nice to see the Jigsaw vet outside of the Saw series though. The effects were pretty good, but I just watched Wrong Turn 2 before this, so some of the thunder was stolen from a few of the kills. Kurtzman is 1 for 2 in the horror genre now. I can't believe it took him 10 years to helm another movie after Wishmaster. I can't believe it's been 10 years since Wishmaster was released. Kurtzman's upcoming film, The Rage, had better deliver where this one did not.
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