Unspeakable (2000 Video)
An unsung schlock sleaze riot
28 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Impotent and unhappy middle-aged James Fhelleps (stiffly played by the hopelessly cardboard Roger Cline) goes murderously around the bend after an automobile accident claims the life of his beloved daughter Heather (the cute Leigh Silver) and turns his naggy wife Alice (bitchy Tamera Noll) into a pathetic grotesquely disfigured cripple. James embarks on a savage killing spree, brutally butchering such low-life scum as hookers and dope pushers so he can reach Heather from the other side. Writer/director Chad Ferrin gleefully wallows in the unsparingly rancid urban filth; he offers a foul catalogue of all-out no-holds-barred offensive depravity that includes incest, pedophilia, defecation, urination, and an especially nasty subplot about sick male nurse Barry A. Carter (a hysterically lewd Timothy Muskatell) sexually abusing the helpless invalid Alice. The unceasingly sordid tone, gritty Hollywood locations, nonstop coarse dialogue, and vile subject matter all add to the grimy feel of this disgusting junk. The acting is really hit or miss: Cline fails to convince as our tormented main character, Wolf Dangler hilariously hams it up as evil dope-dealing pimp Hell, and Eddie Shea contributes a memorably slimy turn as a twisted Catholic priest with an unsavory penchant for young boys. The shoddy make-up f/x leave a good deal to be desired, but both the rough, grainy cinematography by Jason Tosta and Nicholas Loizides and Nich Smith's moody, alternately harsh and melodic score are up to speed. Nice startling twist ending, too. A real trashy hoot.
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