Eddie Izzard: Sexie (2003 Video)
Earlier stuff from Hilarious comedian
1 January 2008
This special was one of his earlier routines. It revolved a lot more around the transvestitism than his more recent offerings. He explains transvestitism in a way that seems logical to those of us who don't share the compulsion. He's very articulate and his comedy doesn't really look like him. His comedy is intelligent and while it does occasionally revolve around sexual topics, you never get the impression that he relies on the blue for humor at all. There are two kinds of comedians. There are those who talk about things that are, by general consensus, funny or shocking topics like differences between men and women, or in-laws or feces or sex and then there are comedians who are funny no matter what they are talking about. Eddie Izzard belongs to the second group. I'm sure that if he did a stand-up routine about expense reports it would be a stone riot. With some comedians, when they finish their act, you feel as though you've wasted your time a little. I always feel like the time that I spend watching his stuff is time well spent. I'm to the point now where I will rent any movie or watch any special if it has his name on it.

So if you like humor that's fresh and intelligent, check him out. They show his specials about once a month or so on BBC
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