The Visit (1964)
Not perfect, but wow is this movie creative and hard-hitting
10 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
After twenty years, an old resident (Ingrid Bergman) of a small European town is returning. However, in the meantime, she married one of the richest men in the world and after his death, she is immensely wealthy. The town, in effect, is sucking up to her in the hopes that she'll give them money--especially since their economy is in ruins.

However, when she returns, she has a very strange proposal--she will give the town $1,000,000 and another $1,000,000 to be divided up among the people if they kill a man! Twenty years ago, Anthony Quinn, had gotten her pregnant and then denied paternity--even going so far as bribing some friends to lie and say she was a whore. As a result, she was driven out of town and into a life of prostitution. In effect, the entire town and Quinn had conspired to ruin her life.

What makes this film so fascinating is its look at human nature. Slowly watching Quinn's "good friends" turn on him was fascinating. However, the most fascinating part occurred when Bergman had truckloads of products shipped into town and extended credit to everyone in order to push them towards a city-sanctioned murder. The most delicious scene was seeing Quinn's own wife lining up to buy this merchandise!! The film really excels at social commentary, as it pulls few punches. People in this film are almost universally scum. In addition, Bergman puts on one of her best performances--at times looking like a spider as she watches Quinn suffer.

The only negatives were that towards the end, there was a very brief scene between Quinn and Bergman by the lake that just didn't ring true, plus the film seemed to go on a bit too long--lessening its overall impact. But, if you ignore these things (and I certainly could), this is an amazing and cold view of the worst aspects of human nature. A delicious drama that is creative and very hard-hitting.
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