Takeshis' (2005)
Very disappointing
20 January 2008
Beat Takeshi's latest film is a long slow and self indulgent attempt to move out of the yakuza genre. The film begins like "Curb your enthusiasm with Beat Takeshi" as we follow the iconic star through his daily life. The film shifts gear as he meets his doppelganger, a jobbing actor and convenience store clerk. Then it begins to get "surreal". But unfortunately Beat Takeshi is not a very interesting surrealist. This is surrealism for people who think that the matrix is surreal. He uses lazy wackiness and unoriginal symbols in laboured dream sequences. We've seen it all before and its very boring.

But Takeshis becomes an interesting satire on media violence and develops some interesting visual moments in its later stages. It appears to be a discussion of how takeshi's previous films and persona could be interpreted. A self reflexive work. Not a bad idea. Just poorly executed even though Takeshi's skill in editing, black comedy and orchestrating vioence is still present. The ending is also an annoyingly neat cop out. A final indignity at the end of a film that is far too long.

Very disappointing.
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