Review of Sicko

Sicko (2007)
Hard truth, is always tough to swallow.
25 January 2008
I saw Sicko last night. I have watched all Michael Moore's movies from The Big One to Farenheit 9/11. The film and its subject matter looked aqs if it would be hard going for the viewer.I don't think anyone could say it was impartial or objective, it wasn't! The whole point of the film was to start a clarion call for Universal Healthcare in the United States. As an Englishman, the film serves to remind our own citizens the way we take our health care system for granted. To project the NHS as free is not exactly true. The Health Service is paid out of a National Insurance scheme on top of our PAYE taxes. However, the system is available, free at the point of need! We don't worry about affordability or bills, if we need acces to healthcare in an emergency.

It is tempting to gloat to our American cousins, about the benefits of Universal Health provision. A provision that is socialist inspired and is probably the most humane aspect of our society. Polls after polls which features pride in Britain, the NHS is always guaranteed a top 3 placing. The system is by no means perfect and is always being under-mined by right-wing Tories who feign how much they care about it...but always push forward proposals that undermine the Institution with words like "independence" or "choice". Using spurious and calculating arguments to wheen people off their collective instincts in relation to healthcare.

The criticism that can justifiably be aimed at MM, is that yes Universal Healthcare is humane, rational and more efficient in covering people's healthcare needs....unfortunately, it is a system that is always subjected to the whims of "democracy".

In Britain, we had to learn the cruellest lesson, that if you want low taxes, don't expect high standard services! Now, people are looking to repeat that mistake, as people grumble about taxes, but also grumble that their taxes are wasted. Even though the evidence is overwhelming, that Britain has cut heart disease, cancer (many forms of..) and other illnesses substantially.

I hope this film is seen by all...and all the people of Britain. Forget the rosy tint spectacles of MM...but what he did achieve, is that the NHS is something to be proud of and supported. That collective interests/concern & action do make societies function far better, than crass individualism and the pursuit of profit.

I notice in the forum, the quotes of Winston Churchill. However Churchill is a person who ordered the shooting of striking miners and he expended thousands of lives on the beach head of Galipolli. Yep, he was a great War Leader...but he was know friend to ordinary hard working people. It was those very hard-working people that removed Churchill in reclaim democracy and establish "our" NHS!

The film came to its climax with the veterans of 9/11 obtaining medical treatment in Cuba after refusal from Guantanomo and its free healthcare facilities...OK the irony was compelling. The Fire crew in Havanna...well, I'm not ashamed to admit, but I wept.

It was a human display..a display of empathy, solidarity and the potential of human beings to break down their barriers of citizenship & Nationhood...and feel...for one moment!!! A true citizen of the world!
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