Review of Eli Stone

Eli Stone (2008–2009)
31 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I think your understanding of the episode is a little skewed. The impression i got from the episode is that a particular vaccination was dangerous to children. Where did you think the idea of not vaccinating children came in because there was absolutely no indication that they were putting pressure on parents to not vaccinate. If anything the episode made it seem like people should understand the vaccinations, and as they mentioned there were other vaccinations that could have been used. You both seem to have taken this story line to extremes that are unnecessary and unwarranted. While I in no way want to discredit the seriousness of Autism, i in fact teach several children with Autism,to equate the issues revolving around Austism to the plight of the Jewish peoples and struggles of AfroAmericans is unrealistic and an insult to those people. Likewise to attribute any of this to World War Two is terrifying. Genocide, over a million dead and scarring experiences are not AUTISM....this arbitrary connection is sickening....what ever the needs of the Autistic community is at this point in time, and no doubt it is extremely important to understand the complexities of the issues(I talk with the parents of the Autistic children all the time) it is not on the same scale as a WORLD WAR. This show was not making a point of faith over medicine, they were not concentrating on this issue to boost their ratings. Again I stress that I am entirely sympathetic to the issues surrounding Autism, while I'm not as familiar with adult Autism your post has prompted me to understand it better. HOWEVER this show also featured George Michael singing Faith....clearly things need to be taken into context here...this is a TV show....this was a small story line in a fictional TV show...

I appreciate the latest post with the slightly more politically correct and patient view. While not the highlight of the court room scenes the first witness did mention the inability to link and blame autism on a single source such as a vaccine.
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