The Unknown (2005)
I cannot think of a strong enough word for blech
14 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
So, I just spent 84 minutes of my life watching "Clawed: The Legend of Sasquatch" And, Yeah...I wouldn't mind getting that time back.

Now, I found this movie in a bargain bin at a local pawn shop for $3.00. Knowing that, you can understand why I wasn't expecting much. I, at least, figured it may be worth the time of putting it in the DVD player.

Any of you who know me, or read any of the old wetmutt horrorcast articles would know that I am a huge cheesy movie fan. Especially cheesy horror movies. I think of horror movies as an art form all their own. Something about the low barrier of entry for filmmakers with horror movies really makes for great movies. Anyways, back to the film.

The story is virtually non-existent. Much like a snuff film. They have points A, B & C in the script & didn't seem to care how they get from A to B to C. The story seems like it must have been an afterthought.

The camera work wasn't bad, but there were some interlace & artifacting problems. Suggesting that the camera was not your high end model & the editing system had some rendering problems. There was even a transition in the middle of the movie that was very plain and "home-movie" like. It was your typical wipe where both shots are on screen at the same time at one point.

The "Bigfoot Vision" was mediocre at best. A simple sepia overlay with ZERO contrast. Leaving all shadows grey & washed out. While on the subject of the "Bigfoot Vision", I want to make a point that Bigfoot seemed like a pervert, spying on teenagers while they sleep or even taking a leak!

The death scenes were terrible. Every one of them the same. Bigfoot vision creeping up on the unsuspecting victim, followed be a quick cutaway to some unrelated part of the woods, a scream, then a bloody (sort of) body. And not that good of a bloody body. The dead bodies seemed like another afterthought. Which is amazing to me since the movie has an R rating, but shows no death scenes and very VERY little blood. Sadly, some of the people you wanted to die...didn't.

My overall rating of Clawed: The Legend of the Sasquatch is a 3.5. Replayability is NIL. I will only watch this movie ONE MORE TIME. That will be for a vidcast review with Mikal & KC (coming soon).

The people who made this movie had some of the Sasquatch myths correct, from throwing large rocks at camp sites to having the ability to teleport. But they broke the cardinal horror movie rule...If you see a girls stuff in the film...her character CANNOT survive!
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