Kevin Spencer (1998–2005)
Kevin Spencer, Bad Show
22 February 2008
I give this show four out of ten even though I think it deserves more like three out of ten. Once in a while there would be a joke on this show that would almost make me laugh but usually the jokes were pretty stupid and the show in general was predictable and dumb. The Percy character was great and I really liked Alan the Magic Goose but it seemed to be the same types of stories again and again where Kevin and or Percy got caught up in some criminal activity and then get out of it in the end somehow, usually by some strange coincidence, and you usually know where the show is going before it actually gets there.

I don't have too much of a problem with all of the swearing/drugs/violence/sex because it was specifically a show for adults I just thought the show wasn't that great and what really dragged it down was the production values. It's to be expected with a cheap Canadian show like this but it was really distracting it was done so badly.
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