Review of Videodrome

Videodrome (1983)
Has "Virtuality" become our Reality?
29 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Videodrome is a complex film. It is a genuinely original film. There is a before and an after Videodrome. In fact with Videodrome, David Cronenberg re-invented Sci-Fi.

Mr. Cronenberg already mentioned in the book "L'Horreur Intérieure: les films de David Cronenberg" the fact that Videodrome was suppose to be complex: "I tried to make a film as complex as Reality is for me. I believe the film to be very ambiguous, it feeds from different energy sources and it is very complex. I wanted the film to be like that because Reality is like that…"

It is interesting to comprehend what Videodrome is all about. And how the battle of the Mind is taking place in front of the TV Screen. How Reality can in fact have different feasible definitions and how one of these definitions can take over the other depending on how our perception of this Reality can be influenced or and manipulated.

The story of Max Renn, the controversial president of channel 83 that broadcasts programs of soft core pornography and high core violence is a terrific vehicle to understand what Virtual is and if Virtual can become a possible alternative to our current Definition of Reality. Max Renn is looking for breakthrough programs that answer the need of his targeted niche viewers. Whilst looking for those he stumbles across a "snuff program" broad-casted it seems out of Pittsburgh. This Program is "Videodrome". Soon Max Renn starts to hallucinate. Are those hallucinations real, are we hallucinating with him? What has become his Reality? Why and how is that possible? Is he manipulated by an obscure Political and fanatic Organization, Producer of the program Videodrome?

As Nicki Brand a Radio personality, embodiment of Max Renn's Fantasy (and soon his love interest) says in the film, "we live in over stimulated times we create stimulation for its own sake" and "we always want more whether it's tactile emotional or sexual". But what we feel is our Reality. So if the TV Screen manages to make us feel something then it manages to provide us with an alternative definition of Reality. But David Cronenberg goes further… Imagine you could create your own Reality in the Flesh! Guess what, Media Prophet Professor Brian O'Blivion has just done that. He has created "Videodrome". The program triggers a tumor in your Brain which allows you to create your own Reality thus transforming your old Definition of Reality to a brand new one (in fact to a "Nicki Brand" new one).

The charismatic and intriguing Professor O'Blivion says it himself "the television screen is the retina of the mind's eyes therefore the television screen is part of the physical structure of the brain therefore whatever appears on the television screen emerges as raw experience for those who watch it therefore television is reality" from an emotional perspective and now in the Flesh thanks to Videodrome. Because of that, reality is less than television.

Let's try to think that through. With the film "Videodrome" Mr. David Cronenberg denounces the fact that our reality can be easily manipulated. The company "Spectacular Optical" producer of the program "Videodrome" is the epitome of an extreme right organization with the goal of influencing and manipulating the masses. So if we know we are being manipulated then what makes us human is the action we take to correct the situation. As Sartre said "The only thing that allows Man to live is the Act of living". With no action or reaction there is no Life per se… TV is an extraordinary medium; it in the same time reflects and influences our society; so much so that as we saw above it can change our Reality. TV shows (but now internet), can extend our emotional experience and therefore can represent a danger by leading to some kind of desensitization and dehumanization as too much emotions kill emotion. In this regards "long live the new Flesh" but what is this "new Flesh"? Is it this new Reality / "Virtuality" or is it our Reaction against a possible manipulation. Our reality is already half video manipulation if we are not careful it will be total manipulation.

Videodrome is a visionary film even more relevant today than 25 years ago. It is a reminder of what really makes us Human. We can always make something of what society tries to make of us. Even if there is nothing real outside our perception of Reality eventually what matters is our action or reaction. And now that we are aware that reality can be bent then it is our responsibility to react or to remains cathode's sheep.
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