Review of Thirst

Thirst (1979)
Semi-Gothic horror down under
1 March 2008
Although clearly not a top-draw production being hampered by some less than crisp plotting, low budget and a cast tending to the wooden, Thirst nonetheless manages, after a slow uncertain first third to develop into a quiet enjoyable light horror drama.

The production is at its peak when it veers closest to "traditional" Gothic territory - indeed the sequence in Kate Davis' home where she progresses through a spiraling sensory nightmare is almost worthy of Mario Bava - lead actress Chantal Contouri even shares a passing resemblance to Bavas female lead Barbera Steele as she becomes overwhelmed by visions.

One thing that struck me was that for a film made in sunny new world of Australia much of the production had the feeling of the Old World with mock tudor buildings, rough hewn stone and brickwork and lead decorated windows. I can only surmise this was a deliberate ploy as its harder to invoke atmospheric horror in a world of concrete, glass and wood panelling.
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