The Movies Begin
11 March 2008
Policeman's Little Run, The (1907)

*** (out of 4)

A policeman sees a dog steal a piece of meat from a grocery so he gives chase and is soon joined by other police. An early slapstick comedy, this film doesn't have too many laughs but it's still quite entertaining and contains some nice effects including one where the dog and police climb up the side of a building. The twist where the dog starts chasing the police is nicely done.

Nero, or the Fall of Rome (1909)

** (out of 4)

The crazed Nero brings Rome down when he announces he's leaving his wife for a new woman. Historic changes are certainly made here but the biggest problem is that the film is downright boring and rather hard to get through. The one reason to watch it is for the dream sequence of Rome burning as well as the set design, which is very nice. The laughs are pretty stale though.
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