Review of Hybrid

Hybrid (2007 TV Movie)
Worth the watch
16 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great movie with some beautiful imagery of wolves. There's a spiritual element to these scenes in a way so if your not willing to open yourself up to a nature oriented spiritual viewpoint you really won't get it. It's a nice change from your typical blood and gore filled werewolf movie where people are being mauled and eaten alive. If you've seen any other movies involving transplants you'll know of the phenomenon surrounding some where the receive seems to take on the characteristics of the donor. This movie is a play on that theme. In my opinion the Native American element was a nice way to tie everything together. If you know anything about native Americans and how wolves are revered in their culture you'd get it. I loved the ending scene where Aaron is running with the wolves.

To set some things Bill-625 said straight because they're a bit misleading:

Those weren't monkeys in the lab. They were baboons. Which have huge teeth that can rip a good sized chunk out of your arm. So I can understand her reluctance in running out of the lab at full speed and drawing attention to herself- that would have been stupid. Baboons+running= death by primate.

The scene where Aaron escaped out the window, the reason they knew he was there was that they see his clothes from the lab on the floor. Also it'd be plain ridiculous for them to assume he went out the window just because the window is left open. And since they didn't see him go out the window or look out the window and see him running away from the building (he was long gone by the point they did look out) they obviously didn't make that assumption. Which I give this movie points for. Too many movies seem to magically have the pursuers knowing that the hero went out the window with no real evidence on their part to support the fact.

The "grouchy old medicine man" has the important role of sending Aaron out on his spirit quest to connect with the wolf spirit. So he was there to do more than just "spout platitudes" and "add atmosphere."

When the military men start shooting at the trees, it's understandable- they're in a forest with wolves and Aaron ducking through trees around them- they're spooked, so of course they start firing. If anything the scene shows the writer has an understanding of the human mind and how it functions under stress.

The reason they didn't use the guns to take our hero out, is because Aaron takes the guy he has the knife fight with over the cliff when the guns were being reloaded, and the guy left on the cliff couldn't get a clear shot at him hence the knife fight. Also all the other guys with machine guns are incapacitated by that point so there weren't actually six machine guns available.


There were a few points in the movie that needed more work. I thought the hand to hand fight scenes could have used more energy.
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