Just too stereotypical to be funny
28 March 2008
There are a lot of very serious works about homosexuality that bravely comment on the human condition. I can't think of many that are from the gay perspective that try to be funny. Which is probably a bad thing.

This movie tries to be funny. It wants to be funny. It does have it's moments. But mostly it's just trying.

I am from the South and perhaps that makes it a lot harder for me to like this movie. Gay life in the South can produce some outlandish characters that were hinted at in the movie but were colorless and forced. The real life characters I grew up with were/are much funnier and smarter.

But hey, I give Kelli Herd and her group 3 stars for trying. I think they were brave and hope they didn't lose too much money on it. She just needs to recruit less of her actors from dinner theater next time.

I think we need more movies that from a gay perspective that are funny. Hopefully funnier than this one, but still as "nice".

I think my favorite character was the knitter in the mens "hetero is good" group.
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