30 Rock (2006–2013)
Clever Girl
7 April 2008
As a rule, I don't really think women are funny in sitcom style TV shows. This may sound sexist but it really isn't. They are rarely given parts that aren't token and rarely is the writing for them clever at all. But what I do like is intelligent looking and sounding women who aren't afraid to be the butt of the joke. What I have always liked about Tina Fey and her writing is that she seems to be able to take as good as she gives. She doesn't seem to take any one crusade too seriously and doesn't get too preachy about the crusades that she has. She has also found a cast of character actors that have found their niche in the characters on this show. Many of them, I haven't really liked on any other show, but on this show they shine. Even Tracy Morgan is funny, and Tracy Morgan is never funny.

Secondly, Alec Baldwin is hysterical, period. He could easily have been a comedian his whole life. He has that quality of treating scenarios and dialogue that are absolutely ridiculous with the utmost seriousness. Plus his character is in a position where he gets to expect that others go along without questioning, no matter how absurd he seems.

This is a great show. The comedy is subtle where it's funny to be so, and outlandish when called for. Each character is valuable and the show would actually suffer if it lost one of them.
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