Not Bad
25 April 2008
Well, I didn't like it as much as everyone else here, but the movie was pretty good. It's refreshing to see an American film using the comedic value of the ridiculousness of male nudity. Naked woman? Beautiful. Naked man? Hilarious. Why? I don't know. That's just how it is.

The film takes a cute look at American film script staples like betrayal, infidelity, male drama queens, brotherly love, celebrity worship, stupid TV shows, phony, pseudo-spiritual rock stars and vapid actresses, but is detached, ironic and hip enough to make it all work well. Worth the money.

I have to add...Mila Kunis is beautiful. It's hard to tell on "That 70s Show," but in this movie, her eyes and personality shine in a most hypnotic way.

B+. Things to watch for: lame rock star tattoos, bad lyrics a' la "Him", and Hawaiian scenery. I never, ever wanted to visit Hawaii until I saw this movie. I kinda do, now.
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