Dull ghost horror
2 June 2008
If I had to describe The Haunting of Julia in one word, the word I would choose is 'boring'. The film is of the slow build variety, but that isn't the problem in itself - the problem is that there is never enough going on to keep the audience wanting to see what happens next, and therefore the film does drag on far too often. The story is rather derivative of many other films and focuses on a woman who has moved to London after losing her child. However, in her new home she is haunted by the ghost of another child. Mia Farrow takes the lead role and while she is undoubtedly an excellent actress; she isn't able to elevate this drab material much above the bottom of the barrel. The film could be said to be 'horror' because of the ghostly plot, but aside from a séance sequence, there aren't many shocks and scares and I'd say it's more of a supernatural drama. The Haunting of Julia does not benefit from an interesting atmosphere either, as while some attempt is made to build one with a musical score; it never really comes off. Overall, I'm not surprised at all that this film is not better known and gathering dust on an old video shelf is really where it belongs. I would not recommend anyone going out of their way for this!
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