All fogged up
4 June 2008
(Some Spoilers) Suave and handsome Cesar Romaro as American journalist Phil O'Dell has his hands full in "Lady in the Fog" in both charming the ladies and jumping out of windows as he solves a murder case that's 13 years old. In fact nobody knew it was a murder until Phil got wise to it.

All this started when Danny McMara,Richard Johnson, was purposely run down in the fog one evening by a mysterious lady friend of his. Danny's sister Heather, Bernadette O'Farrell, just happened to be Phil's girlfriend who took it upon himself to solve her brother death in what everyone at the time, including Scotland Yard, thought was just a tragic accident. Getting worked over by this shadowy thug Connors, Reed De Rover,a number of times and almost being arrested by the London Police for interfering in their investigation of Danny McMara's death Phil eventually gets to the bottom to why Danny was murdered and who was behind it.

It turns out that Danny had uncovered the murder of this inventor that took place in 1939 that was made to look, by his killers, to be an accident. The inventor died when his laboratory caught fire in a freak accident. Danny getting too close to the truth and at the same time blackmailing the killers ended up himself being murdered, that was made to look like an accident, by one of those whom he unknowingly, his girlfriend, was blackmailing!

Phil, on a tip he got, getting inside the Glenhaven Sanitarium finds the only person-the nutty as a fruitcake-Martain Sorrowby, Llyod Lamble, who knows the truth about that 1939 covered-up arson murder. Sorrowby, who's mind is completely lost in Ga-Ga land, can lead Phil to not only the truth behind the unidentified inventors murder but at the same time the murder of Danny McMara. Just as Phil was about to get Scotland Yard inspector Rigby, Campbell Singer, to come over to Gleanhaven to interview Sorrowby he, like Danny, died in a suspicious car accident just outside the sanitarium.

Realizing just what he got himself into Phil together with Heather track down Danny's killers but not before Heather, who had no idea whom she was dealing with, almost ended up getting murdered herself by someone, a friend of her's and Danny's, that she thought that she knew, and trusted, but really didn't!

Worth watching in that fact that that we see legendary Hollywood Latin Lover Cesar Romaro playing a Humphrey Bogart type private investigator. Getting belted by the bad guys all over the place Caser, or Phil O'Dell, still didn't lose his both good looks and sense of humor, he also has the best as well as last line in the movie, despite all the hits he took to the head and body, as well as his inflated ego, in the film.
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