Review of Bad

Bad (1977)
Flesh, blood and bad taste; from Andy Warhol
15 June 2008
Bad, also known as Andy Warhol's Bad, is directed by Jed Johnson, the editor of the two better known films to feature the great artist's name; namely, Blood for Dracula and Flesh for Frankenstein. Like the aforementioned titles, this one features a similar trashy and sleazy atmosphere and while it doesn't benefit from as strong a plot, Bad is still lots of fun and is likely to delight fans of the genre. The title, while seemingly unimaginative, is actually very fitting as while the film is not 'bad' for those who like this sort of thing - it certainly is in very bad taste! The plot is rather wayward and at its centre focuses on a beauty salon which is ran by Hazel from her house. However, it would seem that this business does not bring in enough money so Hazel is also running a sideline in hit jobs, which she has carried out by women who work for her. Things are shook up a little when a young man arrives in town looking for work and ends up getting to stay at Hazel's house and she decides to use him on a hit, despite the fact that she prefers to use women.

Bad doesn't follow a particular plot narrative, and instead focuses on a number of individual characters and basically relies on them to make something happen, which they often do and the result is a film that stays interesting for most of it's duration. The film stars Umberto Lenzi favourite Caroll Baker in the lead role and while it's not a great performance, she certainly does fit the tone of the film. There's no role for Joe Dallesandro but Perry King takes up that area of the film and doesn't do anything that couldn't have been done by Joe. The film is categorised as a comedy and it is rather funny at times, but the humour is extremely black and the film is not a laugh a minute either. It soon becomes clear that the film is not really going to go anywhere and indeed the ending doesn't really wrap very much up although it does contain one of the best moments of the film. Overall, Bad is certainly not for everyone; but it's a definitely worth a look if you caught the other two films baring Andy Warhol's name. Recommended!
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