excellent film. ken russell lives!
2 July 2008
this movie is brilliant. ken russell does things with a video camera and very, very little money that put to shame darn near every big director working today. this movie is in the same vein as russell's 'lisztomania'. high camp, played well, with astounding art direction. the campy, over the top acting, is very well done. i was surprised by the skill of these mostly inexperienced actors. it's not easy to play a campy role well. this will be a movie for repeated viewing.

i noticed several 1 or 2 star scores for this movie. that's to be expected with this style of movie. it's not for most people. many people get lost and annoyed, if the narrative is not straight, and it's very campy. i see, in this movie, another artful movie by one the best filmmakers.
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