Review of Bad

Bad (1977)
A Failed Attempt to Make a John Waters Film...
7 July 2008
In John Waters' brilliant book "Shock Value," he writes the following: "One must remember, there is such a thing as good bad taste and bad bad taste. It's easy to disgust someone; I could make a ninety-minute film of people getting their limbs hacked off, but this would only be bad bad taste and not very stylish or original." And there you have it. "Bad" is pretty much a ninety minute film of people getting their limbs hacked off (figuratively, of course). It's designed for people who think they're "cool" to laugh at the acts of cruelty and violence.

Andy Warhol must have thought he was on a roll after lending his name to Paul Morrisey and Antonio Margheriti's brilliant yet deranged "Flesh for Frankenstein" and Morrisey's outstanding follow-up "Blood for Dracula," but Warhol wisely stopped letting people use his name after this one.
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