Review of Talk to Me

Talk to Me (2007)
Acting 101
9 July 2008
While Don Cheadle is mesmerizing as the main/title character (based on a true story/man), the movie falls short of holding up to his quality. It's not that the other actors don't reach his enthusiasm or screen power/performance. It might be that the movie tries to be too general about things. One plot thread is resolved, just by a big (real) event that happens. Pretty easy way out I'd say, especially for a movie that should be more about confrontation (with a leading man like that).

Another let-down is the fact, that the story rushes through things, packing them together and making them more "movie" like. True mixing with a bit of fiction, as I assume, which is not always a bad thing. It's called artistic license, doesn't it? Still you might feel cheated at the end of this movie and I'm here to (sort of) warn you
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