Chris Matthews is no Tim Russert
14 July 2008
Chris Matthews seems to put down his guests when they are not in complete lockstep with him. He immediately interrupts them with "I hear ya", or "uh-huh" meaning he's no longer listening to what they have to say. He usually has interesting and knowledgeable guests that he loves to talk over and try to show his superior intelligence. He filibusters trying to make his point and then asks them to agree with what he said. Most of the time he makes little sense or tries to make a point that seems to be meaningless. A good example is his love affair with Obama that is unbelievable but understandable because he loves to talk in circles and so does Obama. Matthews has indicated that he would like to be the Washington news bureau chief as well as anchor "Meet the Press". Based upon his commentary and conduct on "Hardball" NBC cannot possibly consider him to be a replacement for Tim Russert with all of his biases and his inability to listen to opposing viewpoints.
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