Complete garbage. Don't even waste your time.
6 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I was absolutely stunned at how horrible this movie is. It's a joke, and I hope it didn't cost them more than a couple thousand dollars by the time they hit post production... anything more would just be wasting money.

Another incredible thing, to me, is the total lack of reporting on how bad it is here on IMDb. I'm not sure why no one has bothered to warn others not to waste their time, but I'm changing that.

*Synopsis Spoiler:*

The first serious problem with this movie is that the basic premise is horrible - all the "geniuses" (anyone with a recorded extremely high IQ.... just never mind the fact that the IQ scale is not agreed upon and changes from test to test, society to society, etc.) in the U.S. are gathered at the request of an H-Bomb threatening terrorist, who is also (supposedly) one of the highest IQ holders. He claims that if they cannot adequately give him input he feels is... good? (basically, whatever he wants to hear) on how to solve the world's problems by a certain time, he'll set off the bomb.

Okay, so you supposedly have 11 (I forget exactly how many) geniuses sitting around a low budget movie table chatting about "the world's problems."

Hello script writer, I hope you're a genius with the experiences of 11 different geniuses to help you form your characters or this is going to quickly turn to... oh wait... there it goes, into the toilet! Kerplunk! That's pretty much how it goes... an idiot writer in some sort of stoner haze apparently thought it'd be cool if we got all our "geniuses" together to solve world problems, but obviously has a complete lack of real information on any of the (as perceived by this unbelievable writer) "world's problems." (That is, if it wasn't apparent that the movie is based on the idea that there are people in the world that could easily solve the "world's problems," such as cancer - if they just took the time to do it! Hahahahha. What a joke!)

The second reason this movie fails to be even entertaining on a comedic level is the sheer stupidity of the responses of the so-called geniuses. Repeatedly, the geniuses respond to the terrorist's questions (mostly all variants of the underlying question that suddenly staggers itself awkwardly into view near the end of the movie, "Why is the world so horrible, immoral and unchristian?") with answers that you could, and I mean this seriously which is why it is so sad, expect to find in YouTube comments for a Michael Moore movie. Misinformation, underdog fever, etc. It's disgusting how brainwashed people are into believing they're part of some revolutionary, open-minded thinking, when it's really just ignorant mob mentality.

Finally, I've read a few of the other comments posted here and suspect that maybe they are the reason no one has bothered to mention how unbelievably horrible this movie is. I don't really care what those people have to say, and I'm not going to argue any points on here - if there are any good points made by this movie, they are so incredibly muddled and buried in **** that it doesn't even matter. I am not going to respond to comments claiming that somewhere in this sewer there's a gold nugget... you're welcome to dig all you want, though.

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