Average mystery movie
13 August 2008
This is one of those films where a puzzle is presented in a particular environment and, while the different pieces of the puzzle are presented, that environment is revealed to the otherwise ignorant viewer. In the end, the puzzle is solved making the viewer feel either cheated (like "they didn't give me all the clues") or very smart ("I knew it!").

Unfortunately, the murder is placed in Oxford, amongst mathematicians, but no math is presented anywhere in the movie! I mean, there is a scene when the lead is explaining what a Fibbonacci series is. That's it! Also, Oxford is a great scientific village, with a history and a lot of interesting things can be said about it. But the stage could have been set anywhere else and no one would have seen the difference.

All that remains is the puzzle, which was interesting enough, but the pieces are revealed at such a pace that it is impossible to get it. Yeah, I felt cheated :) Anyway, this film could have been great, instead it turned into a more talkative Rivières Pourpres, with a lot less atmosphere.

Bottom line: not worth watching it unless you accidentally catch it on TV.
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