The Possessed (1977 TV Movie)
Thank you IMDb
25 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Thank you IMDb. I remember seeing this as a kid back in the 1980s when my dad taped it after a late night BBC screening. For years that nail spewing scene has lived with me. Recently, I found myself thinking "Why have I never seen that film where a woman vomits nails again? Surely it's a horror classic." That bit scared the hell out of me when I was a kid, even though I remembered next to nothing else about it. Google searches along the lines of "puke" "nails" "school" came up with nothing. No one else seems to remember it. And then, thanks to IMDb, I find that I hadn't just imagined it! It exists. Glad that other people shared the experience of seeing this as a kid. I'd love to watch it again, although I understand it may not be as good as I remember it.
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