Transsiberian (2008)
Awful Ending Tarnishes Pretty Decent Film
31 August 2008
The first 2/3 of Transsiberian is a pretty interesting film. We follow two Americans as they travel from China to Moscow on a famous rail line from the cold war era. The images of life on the train transport you to an old Soviet style of life that can be downright claustrophobic. I am willing to forgive Woody Harrelson's "Aww Shucks" country performance as he gushes in every scene about how "neat" something is. Soon the couple is sharing their cabin with a mysterious Spaniard and American couple, that just ooze intrigue. Hints are dropped about corrupt police and drug dealers as we see the two couples interact. The makings for a pretty good film are firmly established. However, at about the 2/3 mark, the director decides he is just going to fall back and make a clichéd Hollywood action movie. I was rubbing my eyes in disbelief, as I thought I was viewing a different movie. We get standard chases, standard switches and the prettiest bow that has ever been tied on a present. Everything gets wrapped up neatly and happily, which is too bad and too simple. The images of Siberia are beautiful and make for a good show, it is too bad that the director could not close the show.
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