Snuff-Movie (2005)
Awful or Genius? or Awfully genius? ...or just awful?
1 September 2008
"From the Director of Candyman" was what convinced me to buy this film, and also the fact that it stars Jeroen "Georgi Koskov" Krabbé. I'm not sure what I expected from this film and I'm still unsure as to what it was that I actually saw. Throughout the entire film I was confused as to whether I was watching a work of pure genius or the worst pile of excrement that I have ever seen.

The film had promise but was let down by poor acting and would have benefited from a larger budget. The plot twists and turns, and stumbles and falls... However there was something about this film that I liked, I just can't put my finger on what it was. Maybe i'm just not of high enough intelligence to fully understand it, or maybe it actually was just a terrible movie... I don't know. But I like not knowing. I wouldn't recommend this film to fans of 'Candyman' but i'd say its worth a watch if your into low-budget horror movies.

5/10 - purely because I watched it 3 days ago and i'm still thinking about it. So it can't be that bad, right???
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