Sherlock Holmes in New York (1976 TV Movie)
Roger Moore's crisp wit and twinkling eyes Warm all Sherlock Holmes Fans' Hearts
15 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
As a 1000 % Sherlock Holmes Aficionado it caught me off guard to see one of the handsomest & debonair Stars in Hollywood agree to play a 'new kind of Holmes' with a secret romantic past, resulting in a possible son with Charlotte Rampling who was the perfect Diva, & Scott, Roger Moore's real life son doing a great job in the film. Boris Sagal was a true genius both in his casting, (I mean who better than Roger as Holmes, & Huston as Moriarte?) but in his giving the day's pages to the actors on the same day they shot to keep all NEW & to cleverly hide the fact that this was 'High Jinks' indeed. It was Melodrama at its best, with a wink and nod to all previous Sherlocks' and Dr. Watsons' (played to the hilt by Patrick McNee) fans. No one could have pulled it off better than Roger Moore, Mr. Charm himself & particularly when working with the young 'Ingenue' Maria Grimm as Nicole Romaine, the innocent dupe of villains who held her brother to force her to kidnap her 'pet' student Scott, Charlotte Rampling's & presumably Sherlock's unknown son in order to force his hand. This was rich and creamy texture to the wonderful but sometimes dry toast previous Holmes & it is apparent that both Roger Moore and Miss Grimm had a great time playing their scenes together. She even 'swooned' on command something today's heroines would be hard put to accomplish. I look forward to owning this on D.V.D. & adding it to my Holmes collection with fondness and kudos to the late Boris Sagal, the wonderful & legendary cast & especially the most irresistible Holmes ever.
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