Reminds me of the moon - no atmosphere.
21 September 2008
Track of the Moon Beast has a simple story to tell you, a meteor falls turning a man into a lizard beast when the moon is full.

At the start some jokers make a howling noise in the hills to mildly surprise their friends. When they emerge after this merry jape they gobble up about ten minutes of screen time explaining the whys and wherefores of this little gag. But it doesn't end there, the entire film is littered with explanations of things you neither care about nor really need to know. Oh remember when you did this? What about the time this happened? Show it, or shut up about it! Most of it isn't relevant anyway.

The acting in this one is just horrible and the script is full of moments where they all laugh and share a warm moment that excludes the audience because what they are laughing about isn't funny and what's going on is really drab and boring. The monster is a joke, day turns to night and night to day randomly and the whole thing alternately looks like it was filmed about six inches from the sun or inside a black hole depending on whether or not they remembered to turn the lighting on before shooting a scene.

This is one boring pointless movie, so little happens that within fifteen minutes of it ending you'll be hard pressed to remember one significant scene. Even bad movie fans will struggle to find anything entertaining with this one.
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