Vixen! (1968)
"Vixen" is a charming film filled with lovable people… It cemented Russ Meyer's reputation in cult-film circles
21 September 2008
Vixen Palmer (Erica Palmer) is the wife of a Canadian bush pilot… She and her husband run a resort for vacationers, but she utilizes the place more for her erotic exploits than for making money… To say that she is having sexual relations with many is an understatement… She provokes many of the young boys in a nearby town, and basically has a good time...

Everyone seems to know about Vixen's exploits except her husband, who constantly considers her a loving, loyal housewife… The plot moves into high gear when a Communist hijacks the husband's plane and orders him at gunpoint to fly to Cuba…

While Meyer never moved into graphic sex, "Vixen" was one of the early expressing films for the adult market… It contained much simulated intercourse, a lot of nudity, and sex jokes... The film by nature is exploitative, but Meyer always lets the plot move in and out of the erotic encounters, creating a distinct stimulating sex comedy rather than a series of cheap shots… The performances are always exuberant, and—despite the hilarious action—the characters are very realistic
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