Prozac Nation (2001)
a "coming of age" feminine scenario
3 October 2008
1- a clear case of an abusive mother nicely played out and dramatized well.the type of parent(s) where the kid is just a "product" to be "developed" the "right" far so good this part is quiet insightful especially the dinner scene involving daughter , mother and grandmother; a clear case study regarding the "rebel teenager" universal aspect( and the psychology involved). very, very good case study to observe the general root of the problem in wealthy families( and not only), were success is measured in achievement. such people, as this parent(s) have lost touch with reality since generation upon generation have forgot that living is only happening one day at the time regardless of possibilities or/and opportunities.

2- Harvard... thumbs down here; the whole feature approach involves spoiled brats with no sense of responsibility , where everyone is involved in power games of one sort or another( not to mention HARD drugs). a whole lost generation lost in details, full of those ever increasing opportunities that simply confuses the individual's PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT , which in general about the MATURITY. and there is no sense of social responsibility development other then being "politically correct".

3- i liked the father(slowly, since i actually taught of him as VERY "bad" initially as the viewers sees at first only the mother's perspective). no way any man could live with such woman(with kids or without).Jessica Lange is PERFECTLLY cast here and a good actress exactly because she is able to show the mother's flaws in details and very subtle at times)))

4- i found Christina Ricci "flash" in the first scene as a pure commercial attempt in catching the viewers attention and teasing him that there could be more. not appropriate for THIS drama at all. do not get me wrong; she has awesome rack indeed , but that in itself only gives a "sleazzy" feel, at least for a while... regarding Ricci,i am not a fan of her at ALL , but i have to admit that this is her BEST performance so far( and maybe ever who really knows).
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