Blindness (2008)
I really don't know, this is a brilliant film and a slow paced one and a well acted film and a... well, you get the idea
10 October 2008
I remember seeing the trailer for Blindness back in April, I thought this looked like a terrific film and was just looking forward to it. I had the opportunity to see it this last Tuesday, I wasn't too sure though on what to expect, was this a horror movie, was it a suspense thriller or maybe was it meant to speak to society? Well, all of thee above, it had some really scary moments, very intense moments, as well as showing us how we take something so precious for granted, our sight. However this film did throw me off, it was a little slow paced at times and some scenes could have been shorter as well as the story would have some strange moments that really just made it seem like it was a straight horror film while I think this should have been a more balance mixture of each genre that I described before. I was never that big on Julianne Moore either, but she pulls in a great performance and was very strong, she carries the story pretty well.

We open with one man caught in the middle of a horrible rush hour, all of a sudden he looses his sight, a man offers to drive him home and steals his car. The man and his wife go to the eye doctor, the eye doctor doesn't see any symptoms that would prove anything causing his blindness. But the next morning, the eye doctor is blind as well, he and his wife go to a government holding center where they fear that the blindness is contagious as the blindness spreads throughout the country. But things get dramatically worse as the blind people start to turn on one another and make things very violent and fatal towards each other.

Blindness is a very powerful movie and is over all worth the watch, I do have a couple problems with the movie, like the pacing of the movie as well as the story. We never find out what causes the blindness, was it a disease, was it a terrorist plot, was it technology...? It's just a very interesting film, I had to think Blindness over for a while, I was walking out of the theater and someone said it was the worst film she had ever seen in her life and when I went to the bathroom and saw another person who saw the movie said that it was such a powerful movie and that she was very pleased with the film and how it was made. So I'm going to say this movie is for a certain kind of person, it has it's flaws, but if you are truly a film buff, I would say that it's worth the look.

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