CSI: Miami: Ambush (2008)
Season 6, Episode 15
A Great First Of Two-Part Story; Very Intense
17 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Ambush Other than Horatio being extradited to Rio for the murder of the man who murdered his bride, and Calleigh apparently being kidnapped, there isn't too much dramatic going on this episode!

Wow! Those two things happen late in this episode, which sets it up for a Part II. Like probably most viewers, I didn't know this was a two-part story but that's okay since I'm watching this on DVD. I would hate to watch this episode live and then have to wait a week to see what happened! This is a good stuff, an extremely intense and involving story.

This is the continuing tale of Horatio's ex-girlfriend "Julia Winston" (Elizabeth Berkley) and the mother of his son "Kyle." She is an evil woman and got away with something big the last time we saw her two weeks ago. Then, we saw she had a woman murdered or, at least, we assume that. The latter, who was paid a million bucks to not show up at a custody hearing and then leave town, is found in the opening scene. She's been dead for a week inside her car at the bottom of some swampy lake. Her hands had been tied with duct tape to the steering wheel and she drowned. What a horrible death. It's an even more gruesome picture when one of her arms floats to the surface, much to the horror of the guys who spotted the appendage and then the woman trapped inside her car at the bottom of the lake.

There are a lot of subplots in this story, too many to into here......such as an ex-CSI employee "Dan Cooper" (recently fired), who harasses Calleigh through the Internet.

Suffice to say, this is one of the more intense episodes, so intense I am surprised they didn't finish the season with it. Instead, there are still 8-9 episodes left.
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