A dark journey through an existentialist nightmare
16 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Well for starters the movie was brilliant. If you haven't seen Following, his first film, stop reading and go do it now.

SideNote: The biggest complaint my friends had about the film is that they couldn't grasp the multitude of questions and puzzles that occur in the movie. These are key to understanding the plot and the motivations and mind-set of Armand. I didn't have any difficulty in this area, perhaps because I am described as observant and attentive. By the time the third shift happened, I was ready for it, and by the end of the movie, was relishing each shift in questions. In case its not obvious, if you can't handle these shifts, you will not do well in understanding the movie. :End SideNote

I watched it the second time VERY closely and after a while of thinking my and my friend thought we had worked it all out!

But now i'm not sure, after reading some of the reviews for this i'm not sure if what I thought is really what happened, so i'm left thinking i need 2 c it again.


There are many questions to be answered in this film as you watch it you get the answers.

Is Armand truly a terrorist in the classical sense or simply misguided? Does he purposefully manipulate the ending? Did he really want the geniuses to discover the 3 word password? Was there another password combination to the bomb? Was the final answer worthy of 30 points?


Overall Opinion:

All in all this is probably the best film I've seen. It ain't got the big Hollywood celebrities, it ain't got a big budget or a world famous director.

The Genius Club proves that you don't need millions upon millions to produce a masterpiece of an exciting and entertaining film. All you need, is originality, a good technique to tell the story and good acting, plots and twists.

I give it 8 out 10.
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