Heroes: Chapter Six 'Dying of the Light' (2008)
Season 3, Episode 6
Gotta troll on them but what's right is right.
22 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was VASTLY superior to like the last 3 but there are still unanswered questions and the writers need to take the characters in a better direction. Just because they've introduced someone with crazy abilities, it doesn't mean jack about how well written the show is. For example, WHY is Nathan Petrelli still alive? Linderman didn't save him because he's dead and nobody else has proclaimed to have that very same ability. Or if you need more convincing that the writers are half-assing their effort, how about why is Eric Doyle such a non-threat? Why was he even introduced in the first place? There are so many new characters this season that left just as fast as they came in, yet they had no integral role towards the story. Back on topic, though, if Doyle had known that Claire is Meredith's biological daughter, what the hell would have kept her from realizing she has regenerative abilities? Why didn't Arthur Petrelli try recruiting him with his crew? If you just ask yourself these tiny little questions about detail, you'll realize just how flawed this show is. I'm not saying I don't enjoy it, I love suspending my belief about reality and I love the little world they've created but the show is no longer on a clear path.
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