One of the better Independent films I've seen in a long time
26 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Daddy Yankee stars as the head of a neighborhood gang. Torn between the life and the possibility of something with a girl from outside, and being warn down by the violence that takes down gang members and innocents alike, he's not sure which way to go. Well made, well acted with a sense of place and time that's unlike almost any fiction film I've seen, this is a very good drama. The film more often then not feels like you're watching the home movies of the people involved rather then a made up story. Clearly the people who made this know of what they show and it helps a great deal. To be certain the film isn't perfect, there is a bit of the formula that you find in films like this(going all the way back to the dawn of film), but at the same time the sense of life and reality bleeds off the screen. I'm not sure that the film is as good as I feel it maybe but it it is good enough to warrant a recommendation for anyone who wants to see what Inde-film should be.
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