If you're a Toby Keith fan, and liked the song ...
30 October 2008
...'Beer for My Horses' (and/or a Nugent, Willie or David Allan Coe fan), then do yourself a favor and don't watch this movie and spoil all of what you've had going on.

It's that bad. Actually, it's much worse than that bad. The writing, directing and acting were all equally terrible. Most of the parts that were supposed to be funny were met with groans instead of laughs. Seriously. The 'best' parts of the movie (and it ought to be a crime to refer to them like that. How about closest to actually being funny parts...?) involved a pit bull farting and an up close look at him licking his male parts. No, I'm not kidding.

We went in a packed car and all agreed afterward that it was the worst movie we ever saw. No exceptions. Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck deserved Oscars for Gigli compared to 'Beer for My Horses.'
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