Review of .45

.45 (2006)
Different stuff from Milla
1 November 2008
I went into this movie thinking it would be another one of those predictable, but usually fun action movies in which Milla Jovovich kicks ass. She carved a nice niche for herself with "The Fifth Element", then with the "Resident Evil" series and even "Ultraviolet", all of which I hold dear in my heart - although I never watch them for the story, just for the action. So in my mind Milla was as much as an actress as Arnold Schwarzenegger for example.

".45" it's quite the opposite of what I've come to expect from her previous movies. Angus Macfadyen plays Big Al, a small-time sleazebag guns dealer who kinda owns the neighborhood, with the right tones of menacing and pathetic. Stephen Dorff and Sarah Strange both want to take Milla's Kat from Big Al, whose relationship is doomed from the very start.

There are interludes with the main characters' parents, trying to explain what happened to each of their kids, but only succeeding in showing the cycle of abuse, violence and disregard for each other in our so-called "normal" lives. Kat is a complex character, but Milla does a fantastic job here - I can now safely think of her as a serious actress. The movie has its twists and turns, and the action is not presented the way you might think it would.

There are indeed some flaws in the movie, but nothing that made me too curious.

Overall, a movie that manages to touch several subjects in a refreshing and novel way. Just don't expect your usual Jovovich kicking zombie ass.

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