Review of Milk

Milk (I) (2008)
Amazing Story, Good Movie
10 November 2008
First of all, I recommend that people see this movie. I am a straight, married man, and I would recommend it to anyone. I am extremely happy that this movie was made. I was a child when these events took place, and I was fairly ignorant about Harvey Milk, knowing of his activism but not much about it.

Harvey Milk was simply an amazing human being, and his story is moving, dramatic, important and inspiring. Yet there was something about this movie, be it the pacing or something else, that made it less than the sum of its parts. And the parts were all great.

I have to say that the performances are fantastic. Everyone will likely scream for Sean Penn to get an Oscar nomination, but I think that James Franco gave a performance that was equally fantastic. I hope that he gets the recognition that he deserves. In fact, he grounded the film and gave the story a balance, a home. And all of the supporting characters are engaging and well performed.

And the sets, costumes and production design, capturing the 70's with engaging perfection, added a true sense of place to the movie.

So I was left asking, as I walked onto the street, "How do you take a great man, a great story, great performances, and great production design, and make a movie that is good? Not great. Not amazing. Good." Tellingly, the most emotionally charged moment, the moment when the audience cheers the most, proves that movie did not live up to its subject.

See it. Even if, like me, you wish the movie itself was better, you will be glad that you saw this film.
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