What kind of people might all politicians be if all great geniuses are this kind of morons?
14 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers

Actually most of all elements in that movie goes straight down to the gutter and only reason I recommend you to watch this film is that after you've seen it, you're going to feel yourself as a wisdom of all solutions for all problems in the whole wide world. But not because this movie promotes you rather it makes you see yourself a greater genius than those filmmakers.

First of all, this movie might be one of S. Baldwins stupidest choices in his filmography. If not counting Flintstones... I mean, acting was horrible all the way (including news anchors on the screen!). Sizemore is overacting (maybe comes along with the name :D). Scalia seems to be lost and lacking total credibility to be an president. And others just try to play along and show out something great and outstanding drama. After all I couldn't care less about personal issues those characters revealed about themselves. I've seen home videos about animals with better drama.

If the writer-directors plan was to show me something radical or tell an attractive message, it all watered down at the latest with dubious flashbacks and low-leveled drama scenes. Lots of time is used for insignificant scenes where most of the dialogue is like: - "What a hell is going on!" - "OK, I'm out a here!" - "You can't do this!" - "You have to do this!" - "We have to do this!" - "We don't have to do this!" ...and so on.

So, dialogue and dramatization was - and I'm not underestimating youth - like made by college-girls/boys or wannabe-director and most of all, if those characters were representing highest IQ's in resident, no wonder USA has its contradictory problems.

Along with the plot, all those "riddles", questions and answers are so obvious and predictable and the whole "truth" is so self-evident and yet characters had huge difficulties to response and make rational conclusions. How's that?

Maybe that's just the general way to recognize and solve problems in our days? But then, where goes that thin red line between stupidity and ingenuity? I mean if people with those rates of IQ behave and response like that, oh my...are they in the very end just bunch of idiots talking to another idiot? You know, it's like those horror-movies, where victim is escaping the murderer up in the attic. You can see there's a rational and obvious solution to avoid death, but still the victim takes that wrong turn just to amuse watchers a bit longer.

Therefore, along watching this movie, I asked myself: What kind of people might all politicians be if the greatest geniuses are this kind of morons...! For interchange you could also watch comedy called "Idiocracy". It might give you more answers about future human race than this film.

Finally the finale with password mystery is just ridiculous. The hero guy don't have even a clue what it might be but...oh wait, surprise, surprise! There it comes! Just out of nowhere! And really not too late. Wow, that was close one...

There is no logical riddle for that password and for an explanation seems to be enough when the guy won't admit to president that he self has the highest IQ in USA. And that's why he solves this kind of crisis.

But now comes the confusing part of this all... Actually, this movie didn't leave me totally out in the cold. It wakes you up to wonder are all those world wide problems and truths after all so self-evident issues? Are modern people that blinded that these things have to bend out of wire? Even if it looks like stupid film? Maybe people along evolution gets more stupid and incompetent to realize where or what is the main cause of world problems. So in other words you can't see it while it rests under your nose.

And maybe there is some kind reverse psychological twist in this movie. I don't know. I'm not a genius.

By the way, what does this fact telling you? -Most of all graceful comments here has been sent from US. On the other hand most of all opposites has been sent outside of US.

Now there's a riddle for you...
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