Review of Come What May

Come What May (I) (2009)
Come What May is not a choice, it's a decision.
11 November 2008
This review is just about as diametrically opposite of the last reviewer as you can get. This was never made as a 'for profit' work, so trying to 'capitalize' is rather silly; money, capital, is not an issue. Sure, court IS boring, even more boring than most sports events. Both do have most of the people sitting around and waiting, and most uninvolved. But for the people involved in any court case, the emotions are very real and very important. This film is really about seeing things from another person's perspective; walking a mile in the other person's shoes. Had the first reviewer even bothered to watch to the end he would have realized that. The 'villain' of the first 90% of the film is finally realized to be simply a victim herself. That's what makes this a good film; the empathy one ends up feeling. Is it moralistic? Sure. Has that become a problem today? Sure, it deals with abortion in a far more real way than the slogans and platitudes normal given. It also deals with marriage problems in a better way than any current film short of "Fireproof". Is the sound track up to par? Please, this was a student film. You can't expect that. It might just be the best student film I've ever seen.
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