Entertaining, yes, but entirely stupid (in a fun way)
6 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Robert Toulon (Corey Feldman), great-nephew of the master toymaker Andre Toulon, has taken control of the puppet-making destiny his great-uncle began decades prior. When Erica Sharpe (Vanessa Angel) of Sharpe Toys finds out Toulon's secret formula brings the puppets to life, Robert and his daughter, Alexandra (Danielle Keaton), are put in danger and it becomes a battle royale between the. . . Puppet Masters and Demonic Toys!

As a ninth sequel (yes, ninth) to the Puppet Master series and the third sequel to the lesser known Demonic Toys series, it's difficult (and foolish) to expect much from this film. The only thing it really needs to achieve is watchability. Toss in some violence & gore, and it's even better. Maybe some laughs? Alright, that's good too. Luckily, it achieves all of those elements. It's definitely entertaining, there's some okay violence, and there's more than a bit of comedy (especially from Feldman's extreme over-acting). Technically, the film is very bad. The script (especially the horrid dialogue) is just plain terrible. The story makes little sense and just randomly tosses in some plot elements without any real cause. The direction is extremely amateurish and the mix of stop motion and puppetry was worse than Team America (and, at least, Team America was purposely bad). The acting was worse than all of this, but bordered on laughably embarrassing, so it made it slightly more funny. Overall, it's not a good film. At all. But, if you're a fan of the previous installments of either series, or if you're just looking for an easy, cheesy way to spend a bit of time, I wouldn't discourage.

Obligatory Christmas-Horror Elements:

  • Subgenre: Dolls. . . Possession. . . etc.

  • Christmas Carols: A little bit, but mainly only the Sharpe Toys jingle.

  • Snow: As it was supposed to take place in LA (filmed in Bulgaria), there wasn't any snow.

  • Person in a Santa suit: Perhaps, but I didn't see one.

  • Violence/Gore: Mostly doll attacks, so nothing overly gruesome. . . but there's quite a bit of blood and such.

  • Sex/Nudity: As it's a made-for-TV movie, we got nothing'.

  • Scares/Suspense: Not really. Some of the dolls are pretty creepy, but that's about it.

  • Mystery: Absolutely none.

  • - -

Final verdict: 4/10. It's too stupid to entirely hate.

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