The Christmas Shoes (2002 TV Movie)
This movie makes me cry
20 December 2008
This is a very heartwarming and tragic tale about a boy who wants to buy his mom some beautiful shoes for Christmas before she dies. The young boy does a fabulous job acting and is quite believable.

Rob Lowe does a good job portraying a workaholic attorney who has his priorities all mixed up but learns some important lessons along the while. There are some sweet tender moments, but there are some real tough, real life issues presented here too. I would be careful letting very young children watch this as they may find the death of the mom too upsetting. But I think it would be good for older children to watch. My daughter has a best friend whose mom dies of breast cancer, and I think this would have been good for her to watch with me as a type of life lesson on the things her friend has had to face at such a young age.

I highly recommend this movie. And the song that this movie derives from is quite moving as well.
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