The Exile (1947)
When the time comes...
21 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It was the second time Ophüls had broached an historical subject .In France 1939, he filmed the tragic love story of Franz Ferdinand and Countess Sophie Chotek ,of course a misalliance,hence a Morganatic marriage.As it did not happen as Charles Stuart was concerned ,the lovers are left with memories ("I'll visit you in your dreams").If it weren't for the last minutes ,the film would not be a real Max Ophüls (spelled "Opuls") movie.The last third is a bit Curtizesque ,Douglas Faibanks Jr recalling Erroll Flynn.

This is certainly a good film ,but it cannot be included in the director's best works such as "Liebelei" "La Signora Di Tutti" "Letters from an unknown woman" or "Madame De" .This is fictionalized history -whereas "De Mayerling A Sarajevo" depicted real events- where the round heads (the Puritans) ,dressed in black nicely play the parts of the villains against a noble hero dressed in white .There are good lines ;I particularly like this one "If I ever come home,I shall belong to no party" .Another good moment: "He lives in luxury and idleness" say the Puritans (a picture shows the "farm worker" plowing;"He must be ready to kill" (the man and his girl see the new-born chicks ) Maria Montez is the "star" of the film but her appearance does not exceed ten/fifteen minutes .It's Holland as we imagine it: windmills (with an impressive duel ),tulips ,canals,fair-haired girls ...
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