A pretty good Hollywood epic romance
31 December 2008
This is certainly a sweeping, aiming-for-grand tale of a man's life and times. The script brings together romance, heartbreak, humanity, the small touches of drama in everyday life that make it so affecting. Ultimately, though, it gets a bit treacly and predictable, and other than Brad Pitt and Kate Blanchett's performances, I don't get the award buzz.

Brad Pitt really does deserve credit here: He doesn't mug and he doesn't preen, even when it would be so easy to do so. His affectations, especially when he's young of age and old of body, are nearly perfect. Kate Blanchett likewise pulls off a lifetime of nice moments, even if the dying woman seemed a bit forced at times.

In some ways, this movie reminded me of "Atonement." Broad, sweeping, romantic, human... and then, predictable, melodramatic and sappy. Both had wonderful production values; costumes, settings, props, sound, all were top-notch.

Both also had hunky actors and lovely ladies, though I did find myself torn about whether I would have preferred James McAvoy to Brad Pitt: McAvoy has those dreamy blue eyes, but I suspect this part required the fullness as a man and an actor that Pitt has.

As far as treacly, I really did not need the story-telling framework of the two characters in the hospital. It added a layer that felt forced and cheap -- without character development, I did not care about the daughter.

This movie would be a wonderful choice for those in need of a good cry. It is appropriately bittersweet and loving. And I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it -- it was much much better than "Atonement," which I felt cheated for having sat through, ultimately.

This film was worth seeing, and it definitely made me want to read the short story. But it was just so... usual.
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