Review of Primer

Primer (2004)
A difficult, intelligent, sharp sci-fi thriller with depth
7 January 2009
I've watched "Primer" twice and am eagerly anticipating the next viewing. I still haven't figured it all out, especially the ending. I think I know what happened when and where that led, but maybe I have it wrong.

After all, with a time machine, anything seems possible. Who knows what could happen when. Or if it could be undone later -- or would that be earlier? Those ideas are the basic plot mechanics of "Primer," a dense and provocative thinker of a thriller. And I don't much like using 'provocative' unless I mean it.

The movie, however, isn't about time machines. It's about morality and friendship and personal histories. But those threads are so tightly woven into the plot via the increasingly crazed structure that it can be difficult to tell which part is about what.

For me, that was the joy. I was stunned that a movie could be this watchable and still be so thick. Unlike some David Lynch films, my mind didn't wander away for a second.

I was riveted to the story, AND trying to unravel the plot at the same time I was struggling with the characters' dilemmas. That must be the definition of good film-making.

Beautifully filmed, intensely psychotic and a lot of fun -- as long as you're one of those people who enjoys working for it.
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